CSP9 Speakers' List

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The Speakers’ List for the Ninth Conference of States Parties (CSP9) to the Arms Trade Treaty is now open.

How to be included in the Speakers’ List


Participants wishing to be included in the list of speakers for one or more agenda items should submit a request to the ATT Secretariat at info@thearmstradetreaty.org with the following information:

  1. Subject title: CSP9 Speakers’ List
  2. Name of the State or organization wishing to speak
  3. Name of the delegate who will speak on behalf of the State or organization (if known)
  4. The Day(s) or Date(s) the State or organization wishes to speak (information regarding the dates and times of agenda items is available in the CSP9 Provisional Programme of Work:   English   Arabic   Chinese   French   Russian   Spanish
  5. The Agenda item(s) the State or organization wishes to speak under (e.g., Agenda item 5, General Debate)

General debate

The CSP9 Provisional Agenda makes provision for General Debate. Accordingly, it is possible to make a statement under this agenda item by submitting a request. In addition, delegations that are fully accredited to CSP9 can submit general statements to the ATT Secretariat at info@thearmstradetreaty.org for publication on the ATT website under 'General Statements', along with all other statements of the Conference.

Publication of the Speakers' List

The ATT Secretariat will make available in the meeting room a list of speakers on the morning of each day of CSP9, indicating the order in which participants inscribed on the list will be called on to speak under the relevant agenda item(s). Anyone wishig to speak must submit a request to the ATT Secretariat by 18:30 (CEST) the day before they wish to speak. Participants who submit a request to speak after this time, will not be included in the published list of speakers for the day in question and instead will need to request to speak during the meeting or by approaching the ATT Secretariat desk in the meeting room.

Participants who have not requested to be included in the list of speakers will still be able to request to take the floor during the meetings by approaching the ATT Secretariat desk in the meeting room requesting to take the floor and indicating the name of the State or organization that wishes to speak, as well as the name of the delegate who will speak (if known).

Time limit

For reasons of time management, the President (in accordance with Rule 20(4) of the ATT Rules of Procedure) requests that participants limit their general statements to 4 minutes, and general interventions to 2.5 minutes.

Copies of Statements

To facilitate interpretation, please also submit to the ATT Secretariat electronic copies of all statements in advance of CSP9 (or in advance of each session of the meetings) by emailing them to info@thearmstradetreaty.org

The speakers list shall be drawn according to the provisions of the ATT Rules of Procedure quoted below:

Rule 20 – Statements (extract from ATT Rules of Procedure)

  1. No representative may address the Conference without having previously obtained the permission of the President. The President shall call upon speakers in the order in which they signify their desire to speak.
  2. The Secretariat shall be in charge of drawing up a list of speakers. Unless otherwise decided by the President for each specific session, observers States shall be invited to speak only after the list of speakers of States Parties and signatory States has been exhausted and other observers may speak thereafter. When a statement is delivered on behalf of a group of States Parties and signatory States, this statement is pronounced in priority.
  3. The debate shall be confined to the item before the Conference, and the President may call a speaker to order if his/her remarks are not relevant to the item under discussion. Speakers who continue to make remarks not relevant to the item under discussion shall have their speaking rights withdrawn for the duration of the debate.
  4. The President may limit the time allowed to each speaker and the number of times each representative may speak on any question. When a limit has been set and a speaker exceeds the allotted time, the President shall call him/her to order without delay.

During the course of a debate, the President may announce the list of speakers and, with the consent of the Conference, declare the list closed.